twitter updates...

Monday, July 21, 2008

Good! makes me think..

"what you draw people with is what you draw people to."

saw this comment on Twitter from @worshiptechie

Thursday, July 03, 2008

'and then some'...

great message last weekend at church to wrap up our One Prayer series...

for me...
I want to think... 'and then some'
I want to be... 'and then some'
I want to do... 'and then some'
I want to love... 'and then some'
I want to encourage... 'and then some'
I want to pray... 'and then some'
I want to give... 'and then some'
I want my life to... 'and then some'

Jentezen Franklin's message and his one prayer to 'Make Us Powerful'

this has resonated with me and encouraged me the last few days...Blessings!