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Thursday, July 03, 2008

'and then some'...

great message last weekend at church to wrap up our One Prayer series...

for me...
I want to think... 'and then some'
I want to be... 'and then some'
I want to do... 'and then some'
I want to love... 'and then some'
I want to encourage... 'and then some'
I want to pray... 'and then some'
I want to give... 'and then some'
I want my life to... 'and then some'

Jentezen Franklin's message and his one prayer to 'Make Us Powerful'

this has resonated with me and encouraged me the last few days...Blessings!


Dave Ingland said...

Steve, letting you know I prayed fo you today in the hopes that all that you came to know and contemplate during the One Prayer series will continue to challenge and stretch you as keep glorifying the name of Jesus to the hurting world around. Peace and blessings friend!

steve said...

Thanks Dave! One Prayer series was very good, touched me and my family. Awesome to see over 1600 churches participating and joining together. Pray things are well with you and Revolution/Sacramento!