ran with this guy this morning who keeps me accountable which I greatly appreciate...amazing how when you have someone to meet that you get up and feel good compared to those days when I am on my own that I am so tempted to go back to bed...I often go back to the pillow then run later (maybe)...thanks drock!...I appreciate you...anyway, we took off from 96th & Garnett then I tacked on a little at the end...as I walked back down 96th Street just west of Garnett I found 14 pennies within about a 50 foot run against the curb...cool there is a penny then another and another and another and another...etc. $ .14 later we are now up to $1.57
twitter updates...
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Running coin update...
Monday, April 28, 2008
Honoring Pastors! Excellent!
http://claytonking.com/the-plague-restoring-honor/ this post copied from Clayton King
The church in America seems to have lost the ancient, and dare I even say Biblical understanding of correctly honoring the man of God; one who dedicates his life to service to God and God’s people (this could be the worship leader, youth minister, or most often the pastor). We have confused honor with obsession, treat our ministers like hired hands, and become addicted to personalities on TV or the internet and swallow anything they try to sell us while starving our local pastor on a salary that allows him to qualify for food stamps.
There is a distrust and skepticism afoot that is a result of the hideous scandals of the 1980’s. And I do believe that the Swaggart and Baker scandals were, in the long run, good for the family of God. That bubble had to burst, and the scripture had to come true that judgement must first begin in the house of God. There have been plenty more, even the Ted Haggard scandal of recent days, that have caused the world to view us with a cynical eye. We should expect this and live our lives accordingly so that the world can see a true Christian witness. But in the wake of these scandals, not to mention Enron and WorldCom, there is a “mood” where it seems that churches treat pastors as expendable, replaceable, for hire and for fire. We almost automatically distrust anyone in leadership now.
I am not advocating that the church makes the pastor a little king of a little kingdom with freedom to do or say whatever he wants. That is insanity. I am advocating for a return to honoring the man of God, not worshipping him, but understanding the heavy burden laid upon him, the struggles and pressures he faces on a daily basis that NOBODY else experiences, and the specific needs the pastor faces that are uncommon to all other people in the church.
Perhaps this is the reason so many pastors burn out and quit ministry. The statistics are staggering, so much so that the Eli Lilly Foundation is pumping hundreds of millions of dollars into churches, seminaries, and other non-profits to try and figure out why pastors walk away and how they can help stop the mass exit. When questioned as to this reality, pastors who quit most often say that a lack of support from the church and lack of understanding from the members as to the stresses and pressures of the job is the largest contributing factor to pastoral burnout.
Can we regain a sense of honoring the man of God without becoming obsessed with personalities or worshipping personas? Of course we can. Pray for your pastor. Slip a $100 bill in his hand after church. Send him and his wife on a cruise. Give them gift certificates to their favorite restaurants. Babysit their kids so they can have a night out to watch a movie and eat a good meal. Stand up for them when you hear gossip. Get their back when they cannot defend themselves against the untrue accusations of others. Encourage the deacons or the elders to take up a special love offering for your pastors family once a year, honoring them with respect and generosity.
When I was a young boy, my daddy and I got our hair cut every other Saturday morning at Garrett’s barbershop in Fountain Inn. And everytime that a local pastor would come in the barbershop to get a haircut, all the men waiting would stand up, take off their hats, shake hands with the pastor, and it made a heavy impression on me as a little boy. Since then, I have made it a personal goal to always honor the pastor when I go somewhere to preach, to always honor him from the stage, to tell him publicly how much I appreciate him and his family and their sacrifice for the church, and then to tell him personally and privately how much I look up to him. This simple practice has opened up friendships between me and hundreds of pastors over the years. Sometimes, they just need to know that we believe in them and that we’ve got their back when they need us. Let’s restore honor, correctly, to the man of God in the church.
The Plague: Restoring Honor
I am sure that a post of this sort offers itself to misunderstanding. I write it nonetheless, in hopes that you will hear my heart and glean the good from it.
I am sure that a post of this sort offers itself to misunderstanding. I write it nonetheless, in hopes that you will hear my heart and glean the good from it.
The church in America seems to have lost the ancient, and dare I even say Biblical understanding of correctly honoring the man of God; one who dedicates his life to service to God and God’s people (this could be the worship leader, youth minister, or most often the pastor). We have confused honor with obsession, treat our ministers like hired hands, and become addicted to personalities on TV or the internet and swallow anything they try to sell us while starving our local pastor on a salary that allows him to qualify for food stamps.
There is a distrust and skepticism afoot that is a result of the hideous scandals of the 1980’s. And I do believe that the Swaggart and Baker scandals were, in the long run, good for the family of God. That bubble had to burst, and the scripture had to come true that judgement must first begin in the house of God. There have been plenty more, even the Ted Haggard scandal of recent days, that have caused the world to view us with a cynical eye. We should expect this and live our lives accordingly so that the world can see a true Christian witness. But in the wake of these scandals, not to mention Enron and WorldCom, there is a “mood” where it seems that churches treat pastors as expendable, replaceable, for hire and for fire. We almost automatically distrust anyone in leadership now.
I am not advocating that the church makes the pastor a little king of a little kingdom with freedom to do or say whatever he wants. That is insanity. I am advocating for a return to honoring the man of God, not worshipping him, but understanding the heavy burden laid upon him, the struggles and pressures he faces on a daily basis that NOBODY else experiences, and the specific needs the pastor faces that are uncommon to all other people in the church.
Perhaps this is the reason so many pastors burn out and quit ministry. The statistics are staggering, so much so that the Eli Lilly Foundation is pumping hundreds of millions of dollars into churches, seminaries, and other non-profits to try and figure out why pastors walk away and how they can help stop the mass exit. When questioned as to this reality, pastors who quit most often say that a lack of support from the church and lack of understanding from the members as to the stresses and pressures of the job is the largest contributing factor to pastoral burnout.
Can we regain a sense of honoring the man of God without becoming obsessed with personalities or worshipping personas? Of course we can. Pray for your pastor. Slip a $100 bill in his hand after church. Send him and his wife on a cruise. Give them gift certificates to their favorite restaurants. Babysit their kids so they can have a night out to watch a movie and eat a good meal. Stand up for them when you hear gossip. Get their back when they cannot defend themselves against the untrue accusations of others. Encourage the deacons or the elders to take up a special love offering for your pastors family once a year, honoring them with respect and generosity.
When I was a young boy, my daddy and I got our hair cut every other Saturday morning at Garrett’s barbershop in Fountain Inn. And everytime that a local pastor would come in the barbershop to get a haircut, all the men waiting would stand up, take off their hats, shake hands with the pastor, and it made a heavy impression on me as a little boy. Since then, I have made it a personal goal to always honor the pastor when I go somewhere to preach, to always honor him from the stage, to tell him publicly how much I appreciate him and his family and their sacrifice for the church, and then to tell him personally and privately how much I look up to him. This simple practice has opened up friendships between me and hundreds of pastors over the years. Sometimes, they just need to know that we believe in them and that we’ve got their back when they need us. Let’s restore honor, correctly, to the man of God in the church.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
neat story..."My Feet Are Off the Ground"
copied this from my brother, Michael Harrison's blog...thought it was excellent...just being there and acting as the Lord calls you in the moment can change a life and you may never know if in fact it did or how...in this instance Tyler Perry found out...Lord, "I pray you will help me to listen to you, to be sensitive to others."
From Tyler Perry (writer and actor)
This morning I awoke and was so frustrated about all of the stuff that I'm dealing with in trying to get this studio open. I was about to open my mouth and start complaining when I remembered something that happened to me about a year ago.
I was walking to my car when this woman who appeared to be homeless started walking towards me. I'm ashamed to say this but I thought, "I don't feel like being hustled today." Then I got quickly convicted. I felt guilty so I started digging in my pocket for some money. As she got closer I noticed that she had the kindest eyes that I had ever seen. As I was reaching into my pocket she started to speak. I thought, "Here goes the sales pitch". She said "Excuse me sir, I need some shoes. Can you help me?" My eyes filled with water because I remember being out on the streets and having only one pair of run over shoes. I was taken aback for a second.
I took her inside the studio and had my wardrobe people find shoes in her size. As she put the shoes on she started crying, praising God and thanking Jesus, and saying, "My feet are off the ground! My feet are off the ground!" Several of the wardrobe people started crying. I was crying. But I never forgot those words. "My feet are off the ground!" I thought, "Wow! All she wanted was some shoes." She quickly disappeared and never asked me for a dime. I realized that I still had the money in my hand so I went out looking for her. She was gone just that quick so I looked all around the neighborhood for her. I found her standing on a corner looking down at her shoes, still crying. I was so touched. I asked her how she had gotten homeless. She told me that she had AIDS and that she was waiting to get into a shelter. She said that her family had turned their backs on her and that she had no place to go, but she knew that God would make a way for her. I said to myself, "He just did." Her faith and her praise moved me.. I took her to a nearby hotel and put her up until she was able to get on her feet. I had someone that worked for me to check on her from time to time and to make sure that she had food and clothes. After about a month or so we lost touch, but I never forgot her.
This past summer I was shooting "Daddy's Little Girls" and this woman walks up to me smiling. I didn't recognize her face, but her eyes were familiar. She had on a really nice dress and her hair was done. It was her! She told me that the little help that I had given her had changed her life. She was in a house now and doing very well.
I said all of that to say this. After I met this woman, every time I think about complaining and mumbling I remember, "My feet are off the ground!"
I wanted to share this with you just to let you know that when I say that I am thankful for you, I mean it. And when I say that you are a blessing to me, I mean it. We take so much for granted sometimes that I just wanted all of you to know that I am grateful to God for you everyday. Thank you for being in my life.
~Tyler Perry
running coin (& green) update.....
went for a short run with Lucy (our female lab) this morning to go pick up a co-workers paper who is out of town....found a penny at E 105th Pl & Urbana then we were headed back to the house and cut thru Jenks SE Elementary school and found green, a pretty clean George Washington dollar bill in the oval parking lot...not sure if this dollar should count as I was walking because my stinkin knee is hurting...ouch!...I am going to count it anyway since my intentions were good...with this $1.01 that takes me to a $1.43 as of today....
Thursday, April 24, 2008
running coin total update.....
up to $ .42! found a bright shiny 2007 D penny this afternoon at East 76th Street and Kingston, just a few blocks west of Sheridan...in pretty good shape...probably had only been run over 10 to 20 times....
Who you are is more important than what you do!
in our Lifegroup last night we were talking about Passion, what is our Passion? Who can we serve? I think it is often easier to be more outwardly focused as to what we can do as opposed to looking inside of ourselves (inwardly focused) as to what Jesus can do in us. Growing in Christ takes real commitment! It is not easy! My comment to Susie as we headed home was that I/we need to be focused on my personal realtionship with Him so that the change within is so evident and apparent in my own life that what comes out is simply the overflow of what He is doing in me. If this is the case my passions and my desire to serve will be that much stronger. Then it will not be an effort or a thought process for me but merely a picture of Jesus working through me. Being in Christ (what I am) is more important than doing (what I do), for those that are in Christ will be doing! Then I read the following this morning....
below is copied from Herbert Cooper, pastor of Peoples Church in Oklahoma City...I am often blessed by his thoughts...
"Who you are is more important than what you do!"
"I was in college and a pastor came to speak during our spiritual emphasis week. The pastor told all of us students that being was more important than doing. WOW, that one statement has had a profound impact on my life. It's amazing how one line out of one sermon has stuck with me all of these years. I am a child of God. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I am a friend of God. I am a co-heir with Christ. It's a passion of mine to stay focused on who I am more than what I do. If you focus your life on doing instead of being, there is a high probability that you will end up a public success and a private failure. WHO YOU ARE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN WHAT YOU DO!"
below is copied from Herbert Cooper, pastor of Peoples Church in Oklahoma City...I am often blessed by his thoughts...
"Who you are is more important than what you do!"
"I was in college and a pastor came to speak during our spiritual emphasis week. The pastor told all of us students that being was more important than doing. WOW, that one statement has had a profound impact on my life. It's amazing how one line out of one sermon has stuck with me all of these years. I am a child of God. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I am a friend of God. I am a co-heir with Christ. It's a passion of mine to stay focused on who I am more than what I do. If you focus your life on doing instead of being, there is a high probability that you will end up a public success and a private failure. WHO YOU ARE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN WHAT YOU DO!"
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
running coin total....
found a penny this afternoon just north of Incredible Pizza as I was adding a few minutes on to my run after Jim said I had had enough...that puts me up to $ .42 at this time.....
Monday, April 14, 2008
Running coin total...& Red Letter Day!
up to $ .41 this morning....12 cents added....$ .01 in the parking lot of the medical building on the SE corner of 81st & Memorial...then another $ .01 on 81st east of Memorial...and then a dime at the intersection of E 75th St & S. 88th E Ave...yep, dropped my Jeep off this morning to get the Catalytic Converter replaced (5 yrs old & under the 8/80 emissions warranty thankfully) at the Dodge/Chrysler dealership at 93rd & Memorial then headed toward work and found some change....pretty neat at church yesterday as Jeff asked me what the coin total was at...since I found the 2 pennies first...I thought wow a 2 penny day and the Lord brought to mind the song Red Letter Day (2 penny day=Red Letter Day, yea I am weird) from a few years ago and how I need to hide His word in my heart...the words to Red Letter day are below, they blessed me as I read them.....
Red Letter Day from Newsong
Every day before the rush gets started
I get down on my knees
And I pray, Lord, I need You here to guide me
Please speak to me
And something happens that I can't explain
His Word starts talking to me and
I'm out to face this world again
I do believe it's gonna be another red letter day
It's gonna be another red letter day
I do believe it's gonna be another chance for me
To take His Word and walk by faith
I got a smile with every step I take
Knowing He is here with me
It's gonna be a red letter day
I had a friend call me up and tell me
How he struggles through each day
I told him that I didn't have all of the answers
This world's a crazy place
But I've learned to hide God's word in my heart
So I can have it with me when the pressures of the day start
I do believe
So many hidden treasures in God's Word for us to find
The mysteries and secrets that are there to bring us life
I do believe it's gonna be another red letter day
I do believe it's gonna be another chance for me
to take His Word and walk by faith
I do believe it's gonna be another red letter day
I do believe it's gonna be another chance for me
to take His Word and walk by faith
Red Letter Day from Newsong
Every day before the rush gets started
I get down on my knees
And I pray, Lord, I need You here to guide me
Please speak to me
And something happens that I can't explain
His Word starts talking to me and
I'm out to face this world again
I do believe it's gonna be another red letter day
It's gonna be another red letter day
I do believe it's gonna be another chance for me
To take His Word and walk by faith
I got a smile with every step I take
Knowing He is here with me
It's gonna be a red letter day
I had a friend call me up and tell me
How he struggles through each day
I told him that I didn't have all of the answers
This world's a crazy place
But I've learned to hide God's word in my heart
So I can have it with me when the pressures of the day start
I do believe
So many hidden treasures in God's Word for us to find
The mysteries and secrets that are there to bring us life
I do believe it's gonna be another red letter day
I do believe it's gonna be another chance for me
to take His Word and walk by faith
I do believe it's gonna be another red letter day
I do believe it's gonna be another chance for me
to take His Word and walk by faith
Thursday, April 10, 2008
More! Do you want more!
20 Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Ephesians 3:20-21 NLT
More of Christ! not more stuff!
you can accomplish more than you ever thought possible in Christ!
much less of you, much more of Christ!
when you want to quit, don't quit, there is more in you through Christ!
you are capable of doing much more than your mind believes!
there is more in you!
be more real!
we want more!
we want more of Christ in us!
we want more of Christ through us!
I want more!
I want more of Christ in me!
I want more of Christ through me!
heard Craig speak at our campus tonight and this is one of things he shared that resonated with me, I want MORE!
More of Christ! not more stuff!
you can accomplish more than you ever thought possible in Christ!
much less of you, much more of Christ!
when you want to quit, don't quit, there is more in you through Christ!
you are capable of doing much more than your mind believes!
there is more in you!
be more real!
we want more!
we want more of Christ in us!
we want more of Christ through us!
I want more!
I want more of Christ in me!
I want more of Christ through me!
heard Craig speak at our campus tonight and this is one of things he shared that resonated with me, I want MORE!
Shout to the Lord!
I am not an American Idol fan and do not watch the show...just not for me as I cannot sing, I am not musically inclined, then when it comes to clapping in time I am in real trouble (no comments)...but I do love to worship....anyway, as I was getting ready to put my head on the pillow last night....my wife and one of my boys are catching up on American Idol that they taped and I hear a song I recognize, step in there and all 8 finalists along with a choir are singing Shout to the Lord...stood there for a second, told Susie that it gives me chills...she said me too....pretty awesome moment that the most popular show on television would be ushering me into a time of worship...picked it up off of iTunes this morning and will continue to be blessed......
I think I am ready!
this week on swerve he has been talking about being broken....the pain that comes with it...I know for me I want to grow, mature, and be all that the Lord wants me to be....check out these posts if you haven't all ready....
You Will Be Broken!
Am I Broken Yet?
The Blessings of Brokenness
The Most Dangerous Prayer......“God, please break me.”
for me I cautiously but in my heart want to be broken before the Lord...take my life and continue to show me your greatness Lord...grow my faith...make me a stronger, more faithful Christ follower, a better husband, a more loving dad, a good son, and above all a servant for my Father...Lord, break my heart with the things that break your heart!....I pray I have the strength to endure what You are going to show me, which will only come through Him...I think I am ready!...are you?
1 Corinthians 1:25 (NIV)
25For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength.
You Will Be Broken!
Am I Broken Yet?
The Blessings of Brokenness
The Most Dangerous Prayer......“God, please break me.”
for me I cautiously but in my heart want to be broken before the Lord...take my life and continue to show me your greatness Lord...grow my faith...make me a stronger, more faithful Christ follower, a better husband, a more loving dad, a good son, and above all a servant for my Father...Lord, break my heart with the things that break your heart!....I pray I have the strength to endure what You are going to show me, which will only come through Him...I think I am ready!...are you?
1 Corinthians 1:25 (NIV)
25For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Running coin total...
is at $ .29 $ .11 added, found 1 dime and 1 penny this evening at
111th & Memorial....how cool is that!...yep maybe I am weird for
stopping to pick up change...
111th & Memorial....how cool is that!...yep maybe I am weird for
stopping to pick up change...
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Running coin total....
Total is at $ .18
Found 1 penny today at 111th & Yale, nice & shiny 2008D...not
destroyed as is often the case when tires hammer coins a few times....
just started keeping the total on 3/27/08
Friday, April 04, 2008
Makes me think...
“Dreamers dream about things being different. Visionaries envision themselves making a difference.” :::Andy Stanley:::
“Unexpressed gratitude communicates ingratitude” :::Andy Stanley:::again
Risking it all is easy when you’ve got nothing to lose from Steven Furtick
these 3 quotes have me thinking.....good stuff!
“Unexpressed gratitude communicates ingratitude” :::Andy Stanley:::again
Risking it all is easy when you’ve got nothing to lose from Steven Furtick
these 3 quotes have me thinking.....good stuff!
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Do you read?
reading Mark Batterson this morning.....these thoughts and comments from him resonated with me!...
Oliver Wendel Holmes said, "A mind stretched by a new idea never returns to its original shape." Cool thought isn't it?
Batterson said, "Proverbs 18:15 is one of my life verses." It says, "Intelligent people are always open to new ideas. In fact, they look for them." (NLT)
All I know is this: leaders are readers and readers are leaders!
Oliver Wendel Holmes said, "A mind stretched by a new idea never returns to its original shape." Cool thought isn't it?
Batterson said, "Proverbs 18:15 is one of my life verses." It says, "Intelligent people are always open to new ideas. In fact, they look for them." (NLT)
All I know is this: leaders are readers and readers are leaders!
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